Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Most relationships don't work/last because of the 50/50 philosophy. I believe each person needs to give 100%. Whatever your best is, give that. Otherwise just be single and do you.We are designed to be help meets. The problem is our perspective. We work harder to get with our mates(100% effort) than we do to maintain our relationships(50% effort). Then things fall apart. Our perspective is jacked up. Many times we're looking for equal effort in EVERY area. But we aren't equal in every area. We're raised differently, we have different levels of academic and emotional intelligence. Different confidence levels. Different fears, insecurities and anxieties. IF you choose to be with someone BE WITH them. Give them everything you have. Don't hold back. Grow and mature TOGETHER. We're designed to be help meets. The Word says "The two BECOME one flesh". It takes time. It takes effort. Not half hearted effort. Full, all out,ready to die to make it happen effort. Evaluate that before you get into a relationship. If you aren't willing to do that, you aren't ready for a relationship.
Also, mothers play a huge role in the development of their sons. Teach your sons HOW he should treat women. Of course fathers are the primary role "model" but this is 2009 and the fact is most dads don't know how to be men, let alone know how to treat women. So moms,aunts, god mothers, cousins and friends, teach young men HOW to treat women. Don't just tell him how cute he is. How the girls are gonna go crazy for him. How he's gonna be a heartbreaker and foolishness like that. Then be surprised when he doesn't know how to treat a woman and maintain a relationship.

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